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Inter-American Convention (1943)
Inter-American Convention (1943)
Convention on Road Traffic
Convention on Road Traffic
h2>Article 17. Slowing Down

1. No driver of a vehicle shall brake abruptly unless it is necessary to do so for safety reasons.

2. Every driver intending to slow down to an appreciable extent shall, except where his slowing down is in response to an imminent danger, first make sure that he can do so without danger or undue inconvenience to other drivers. He shall also, unless he has made sure that there is no vehicle following him or that any following vehicle is a long way behind, give clear and timely warning of his intention by making an appropriate signal with his arm. However, this provision shall not apply if warning of slowing down is given by the vehicle’s stop lights, referred to in Annex 5, paragraph 31, of this Convention.

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