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Inter-American Convention (1943)
Inter-American Convention (1943)
Convention on Road Traffic
Convention on Road Traffic

Article 8. Drivers

1. Every moving vehicle or combination of vehicles shall have a driver.

2. It is recommended that domestic legislation should provide that pack, draught or saddle animals, and, except in such special areas as may be marked at the entry, cattle, singly or in herds, or flocks, shall have a driver.

3. Every driver shall possess the necessary physical and mental ability and be in a fit physical and mental condition to drive.

4. Every driver of a power-driven vehicle shall possess the knowledge and skill necessary for driving the vehicle; however, this requirement shall not be a bar to driving practice by learnerdrivers in conformity with domestic legislation.

5. Every driver shall at all times be able to control his vehicle or to guide his animals.

6. A driver of a vehicle shall at all times minimize any activity other than driving. Domestic legislation should lay down rules on the use of phones by drivers of vehicles. In any case, legislation shall prohibit the use by a driver of a motor vehicle or moped of a hand-held phone while the vehicle is in motion.

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