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Inter-American Convention (1943)
Inter-American Convention (1943)
Convention on Road Traffic
Convention on Road Traffic

Article 14. General Requirements Governing Manoeuvres

1. Any driver wishing to perform a manoeuvre such as pulling out of or into a line of parked vehicles, moving over to the right or to the left on the carriageway, or turning left or right into another road or into a property bordering on the road, shall first make sure that he can do so without risk of endangering other road-users travelling behind or ahead of him or about to pass him, having regard to their position, direction and speed.

2. Any driver wishing to make a U-turn or to reverse shall first make sure that he can do so without endangering or impeding other road-users.

3. Before turning or before a manoeuvre which involves moving laterally, the driver shall give clear and sufficient warning of his intention by means of the direction-indicator or directionindicators on his vehicle, or, failing this, by giving if possible an appropriate signal with his arm. The warning given by the direction-indicator or direction-indicators shall continue to be given throughout the manoeuvre and shall cease as soon as the manoeuvre is completed.

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