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Inter-American Convention (1943)
Inter-American Convention (1943)
Convention on Road Traffic
Convention on Road Traffic

Annex 7. International Driving Permit

1. The permit shall be a booklet in format A 6 (148 x 105 mm). The cover shall be grey and the inside pages white.

2. The outside and inside of the front cover shall conform, respectively, to model pages Nos. 1 and 2 below; they shall be printed in the national language, or in at least one of the national languages, of the issuing State. The last two inside pages shall be facing pages conforming to model No. 3; they shall be printed in French. The inside pages preceding these two pages shall repeat the first of them in several languages, which must include English, Russian and Spanish.

3. Handwritten or typed entries made on the permit shall be in Latin characters or in English cursive script.

4. Contracting Parties issuing or authorizing the issuance of international driving permits of which the cover is printed in a language other than English, French, Russian or Spanish shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations the translation into that language of the text of model page No. 3.

Bookle sample: International driver license - COnvetion of road traffic 1968

    Pic.3. Sample of International Translation  of driving permit  (Convention of road traffic 1968)

Apply For International Driver License Online 

The new model is applicable from 29 March 2011

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